7 Signs Of a Healthy Relationship

August 11, 2023
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As social beings, our relationships are what keeps us going, and help us maintain our sanity! It is then of utmost importance to have relationships that serve some purpose in your life, and are also meaningful.

Have you ever wondered how you can identify your relationships as ‘healthy’? Here are 7 signs you should look out for in a healthy relationship

There’s nothing that cannot be solved with proper communication

Matters of heart require people to express themselves authentically, and demand what they think they need, to be able to sustain the bond. Communication then becomes one of the most important pillars of any relationship. From setting expectations to communicating how one is feeling, proper communication can facilitate the feeling of comfort and trust in a relationship. If you communicate with your partner with utmost authenticity, even when the conversations are unpleasant and uncomfortable, then you’re definitely on the right track!

Respect is a lot more than agreeing to what the other person has to say

Respecting the other can be expressed in a variety of ways, from taking their no for a no, to being mindful of what you say to them, even when you’re angry, are some acts of respecting the other. Respect ensures that there is regard for one and other, and also sets boundaries for every relationship. Healthy relationships involve recognizing and appreciating each other's strengths and weaknesses, and treating each other with kindness, empathy, and consideration.

Building trust in a relationship is like building a house from scratch!

Trust is the secret ingredient of any relationship! The ability to trust the other person is often developed when efforts are put into building that bond. This requires reassurance that the relationship is a safe space, where there’s no judgement, it also requires a sense of security from the other person. If you feel secured, committed and safe, then you’ve used the secret ingredient well!

Finding your support system in relationships is a big win!

Having someone to stand by you through your thick and thin says a lot about the bond you may be sharing with them. Support can look like giving someone the space to feel vulnerable, or even be themselves the way they want to be! Healthy relationships have people supporting each other in ways, where the other feels secured and relieved, knowing that they have someone’s back.

Only two equals can make a wholesome whole

Relationships are two way streets, where both the people are equals, and there is no sense of superiority or inferiority. From decision making, to sharing responsibilities, neither parties should dominate the other. The ability to look for solutions that are fair, along with respecting what the other person may have to say are all signs of a healthy relationship.

Having your own space is no harm!

A relationship never meant to lose yourself completely, and be dependent on the other. Healthy relationships often function on the fact that two people respect each other’s need for space, where they respect each other’s independent growth and foster it by supporting each other, instead of controlling one another.

There’s always room for some fun!

If you’re not having fun, then there’s something wrong! Every relationship has its own ways of making things interesting and having fun. This allows people to find joy in the simplest of things, and share some great moments together, making memories that will be cherished forever!

Healthy relationships are built with time, and definitely require both parties to put in some effort! From regulating emotions, to developing a sense of empathy for one and another, working on yourself is often a great start to develop healthy relationships. Working with a life coach can equip you with ways and techniques to not only manage yourself, but also your loved one in the relationship, as you become more and more self-aware.

Start working on yourself, to see your relationships working as well!

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